Jack Daniel’s® Tennessee Honey™ Presents Jack’N for Beats Mansion Party

by Jason Peiso

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey Presents Jack’N for Beats: We Got Bars Tour recently concluded its run in Tampa as part of the South Florida tour stop. Jack’N for Beats is a national hip-hop tour that travels from city to city in search of the hottest unsigned hip-hop artists.  The tour is now in Miami and will celebrate with a launch event on Saturday, March 14 featuring Cash Money/We The Best recording artist Prospectt and 103.5 radio personality K. Foxx.Saturday, March 14. Miami. Secret mansion party. Want an invite? Follow@8and9 for details. If you're chosen well send the address! @jackn_4_beats@directlyme

Music will be provided by RG Dj Stevie J (@whoissteviej), it willl be hosted by Norma Now(@norma_now) , Iesha Marie (@Iesha_marie), & Jasmine Calle (@Jasmincalle).

WHEN:                        Saturday, March 14, 2015- 2- 7 p.m.  



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