South Florida's Influencers Talk About The 8&9 Showroom

by Napps Pascal

South Florida's Influencers Talk About The 8&9 Showroom

On January 29th, 2016, the 8&9 Showroom held it's final event for one last time before closing their doors at their Little River location. The location has been opened since March of 2013 and has provided so much to the Miami culture and cultivation of South Florida's creatives. The location held many events working with locals and bringing individuals to Miami such as Nispey Hussle, Raekwon, Chicago Ink star Ryan Henry, Kevin Gates, and many more. The location was also the home for Drink Champs and held events such as Vive Block Party, BeatCamp, Art of Bae, and many more.

Despite the weather, hundreds came out to hang with the 8&9 crew and Drink Champs for one last time at the location. Music was provided by DJ Heron, A Fly Guy, DJ Selfborn and many more. Food was provided by the popular Gold Grill food truck and liquor was flowing from the bar. And if you really wanted to quench your thirst, CORE Hydration was there providing "Perfect pH Water". The good people at Fresh Empire were also there with giveaways!

We had the opportunity to ask some of South Florida's creatives and influencers about what the location and brand means to them and what's next. Check them out below.

You can see the full gallery of pics on our Facebook Page.

Pictures were taken by ThatsCrispi and Tito Kirindongo.


"My experience with 8&9 showroom is one to remember. As a music artist I tend to look for places where I can be comfortable with spreading my music and networking with genuine people. 8&9 accepted me with open arms. Their fashion expertise made my experience just better. Fashion is what I live by nowadays and I go there as much as possible to get a quick fix. An environment with a music atmosphere and fashion is like killing two birds with one stone."

DJ A Fly Guy

"From what I know of 8&9, you guys have always been very connected and deeply rooted to the culture of Miami. Your brand takes on more of a lifestyle than just a clothing line. From a design and quality stand point, it's always been top notch, and from an event standpoint, you always make people who are outside of the 8&9 family feel like they are a part of squad."


"The Showroom was the like a hip hop/streetwear culture hub man. I can't count how many big memories I've had there. From performing in the parking lot a few times during block parties to smokin' joints with Raekwon to sitting in on Drink Champs episodes with Young Jeezy. The 8&9 brand is going to be a staple in South Florida forever because they did more than sell raw items but they were deeply apart of the community here offering a safe place for creatives to showcase their talents and having a location they could always come to be inspired."


JXSTFE of The Antisocialites

"The 8&9 brand is something to admire not only because of its success, but because of how true to the culture it's always been. Ray, Napps, Peiso, and the rest of team have always opened its doors to the community and I know many relationships have fostered at the showroom because of that.


The 8&9 Brand represents the culture. The cool kids, the misfits the Hiphop heads, the medicinal connoisseurs, the creatives, and so much more. Although all these people seem to be in different societal categories 8&9 brings them all together.

Through the fashion all these people are connected through the 8&9 threads while in attendance at the 8&9 showroom pop up shops or block parties connections are made through the cool vibes and welcoming atmosphere.

You never know who you may meet at the 8&9 Showroom and no matter how high or low are the accolades of the people there everyone feels equal, free to be themselves and equally accepted by whoever is there.

8&9 makes everyone feel so comfortable and homely like they belong to a family. Even before I had a solid relationship with the whole 8&9 camp and I would attend certain events I always seemed comfortable even if I was alone.

People love the 8&9 brand not only for the clothing and the events but for what they stand for "8&9" ,meaning "infinite perfection" something we are all striving to achieve daily....and something we can only accomplish by being ourselves, something 8&9 has mastered since their costume pieces in the flea. The showroom will be missed but we are excited to see what's next."



"The Showroom was definitely a place of cultural diversity and no gender judgement. It was definitely a place of creativity for open minded individuals. Nobody was ever judged on what they don't have or have. Instead we all help each other get to our goals and achieve our visions. It was always a great time at the showroom, but most importantly a family."


"A place where creativity was based on intelligence, not stereotypes.
Oh and... Just a fucking good time!"



"The synergy between our two brands was seamless which showed in the amazing moments created while recording drink champs at the showroom. And our like minded approach at brand building and artistry will continue to work closely."


"The Showroom to me was a spot I where went to whenever I wasn’t feeling creative. As creative as I am and how many spaces I feel like I can create something out of, I feel like when I was in a rut, I'd go to 8&9 Showroom  because every time I went in there, I was inspired by watching everybody in the Showroom work. From Peiso, Getner, Napps, all the way up to Ray, just everybody. Anyone that came into the Showroom, they were about their business no matter what aspect they were in. Right now, I'm lowkey hurting it's not there and I can't wake up and drive 5 minutes and go into work mode and be inspired by others for the most part. That's what the Showroom meant to me."



"8and9 my sister company. They are more like family than a brand to me. They have been inspiring me from the beginning since moving shirts out of Rays Condo. We collated on my first meet n greet with Raekwon from Wu Tang Clan at the Showroom and I really didn't know what I was doing at the time. But I knew that if 8and9 team was backing me up that I was going to be straight. I wear 8and9 proud! I'm with you guys till the end. Thanks for all the love and support. RIP Fresh !!!"

Don Primo of Gold Grill

"The showroom was one of the last few places in Miami that mended the streets with the artist in an intimate format." 

DJ Pee Wee

Due to the diverse demographic of Miami, I feel as though it lacks a sense of identity. However, thanks to 8&9, the city has a new found headquarters that embraces it's culture. From the incredible aura that came from sharing drinks and shaking hands with strangers in the showroom, down to the photo shoots that help upcoming artists, such as myself, build up the confidence in front the camera. Shout out to smitty for being the first photographer I ever shot with and 8&9 for being the first brand I ever shot for. You guys encompass my fixation with tom boy swag, and I look forward to what's next!

You can see the full gallery of pics on our Facebook Page

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