Tricks To Jump-starting Your Productivity.

by Elisa Fierce

9 Slightly Crazy Things That Might Make You Wildly Productive


1. Smile at strangers. Step away from your stressful environment for a 20-minute walk. Smile at the people you meet along the way. You will more than make up for the time with your increased productivity levels when you return.

2. Bust a move. Put on some great dance music and have a little 5-minute party! That’s right, just dance. You don’t even need a partner!

3. Fire up the YouTube. Find a favorite funny video on YouTube and take a laughter break. Cute cat videos have been shown to help as well. (Not kidding.)

4. Talk to yourself. This sounds nuts, but take a cue from old-school motivational speakers and books: Pace around the room reciting empowering affirmations in a positive, confident tone of voice and great posture.

5. Belt it out. Sing to your animals or children–just be silly and let them in on the fun!

6. Get physical. Do a series of jumping jacks with a big smile on your face. (Bonus: 100 jumping jacks is said to burn 100 calories. Have a snack!)

7. Dial a friend. Pick up the phone and cheer up someone’s day with an “I love you!”

8. Hoot and holler. Just let out a simple “woo-hoo!” and think about a goal or future event that really charges you up.

9. Do a Julie Andrews. Think of one or two things that you are deeply grateful for and allow the thoughts to bring a smile of gratitude to your face. (You should think of a few of your favorite things several times a day anyway!)


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